Kondwa Day Centre for Orphans
Brief Background of Kondwa Day Centre for Orphans (Kondwa Centre)

“KONDWA” means “BE HAPPY” and this is what the volunteer staff strive to bring into the lives of these children happiness and joy. The Founder knew then as she does know now that she cannot help every needy child in the community but that if she can help one or two and another person helps one or two; together they can make a difference.
The Centre offers Early Learning (Pre-school) education and caters only for orphaned and vulnerable children from 3 years to 7 years. The children come in at no fee at all.
Kondwa Centre is none profit, none governmental organization, set up on 4th September 2000 to help the orphaned and vulnerable children in Ng’ombe compound, Lusaka, Zambia. The Centre is located in the heart of Ng’ombe compound, one of the poorest compounds in Lusaka.
The Founder of Kondwa Centre, Angela Malik, is also a Co-Founder of the Roma/Ng’ombe Community Based Care (HBC), a programme that cares for the terminally ill in their homes. It was during the home visits of the sick, that the Founder saw and recognized the hardships faced by the orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in Ng’ombe compound. It is said “some children are orphaned even before they become orphans” because they see their parent(s) waste away slowly and some even have to nurse their ailing parents; maturing before their age.

Main Objectives
- To provide Early Learning
- To provide nourishing meals (breakfast and lunch)
- To Provide Psychosocial Care and Support
General Objectives
- To facilitate entry into formal education (Primary Education)
- To provide counselling services
- To provide spiritual guidance
- To promote Memory Approaches (a tool to help the children and their parents/guardians deal with loss, grief and transition; hence build resilience)
- To generally try to improve the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Ng’ombe
Our Mission
To be a Stepping stone from despair to hope.
Our Motto
To be a light in the dark.
Our Core Values
- Child service: We understand that we exist to serve the orphaned and vulnerable children
- Working together to deliver our best service
- Demonstrate team work and continuous improvement